Noah - Oct 7, 2018
Noah is an amazing example of a man who was asked to go "all in" for God. God asked him to build an ark in a place nowhere near the sea and to take years, in the full glare, of everyone. BUT, Noah found favour in Noah because he had faith in God.
Elisha - Oct 14, 2018
Elisha asks for a "double portion" of what Elijah had. Many of us might want the double portion without going through the 'journey'. Elisha joined Elijah on the journey. He had been following Elijah - the carrier of the presence of God. So, he saw the outworking of the manifest presence of God amongst His people. But Elisha declares that he's not ready to 'settle' - there is more ahead of him than there is behind. He wants more. Do we? Settling was not an option!
David - Oct 21, 2018
David, was a man' of God's own heart, he was a man who honoured the presence of God, the annointing of God and the prophet of God, and he was therefore, a man of hope. He was also very human and very fallible. He is a great example of how God is faithful to those who have a heart for Him.
Abraham - Oct 28, 2018
The call of God on Abraham's life completely shaped his life. Abraham is the first person mentioned in the Bible as a "friend of God". He gives up all that he has, leaving his father's household, to move to a new land. He hears God and obeys. God has a call for each of our lives, that can define our lives. We can go on an adventure with Him too, if we are prepared to be obedient.