Passover - Feb 25, 2018
The Passover story in Exodus 12 and the experience of the Jewish Nation, both at the time and in subsequent remembrance are direct pointers to the "Passover Lamb" who came to take away the sins of the world. We can learn much about Christ's once and for all sacrifice as we look at the original Passover.
The Great Exchange - Mar 25, 2018
Isaiah 53 tells of God's servant who was to come. This passage points to the one who would be judged in our place. Jesus, the one who "took up our pain and bore our suffering" and who suffered in our place. Through His death, we have 'abundant life' - a destination and place to be excited about and to call others to come and join us in enjoying our life in Christ - a place where all is forgiven and we can enjoy the presence of the one who 'gave His all'.
A Lavish Welcome - Apr 15, 2018
People who come to Jesus experience the lavish welcome of a loving generous Father despite their sin and failures. New, abundant life is being birth. Jesus' coming heralded the throwing open of the doors of the Kingdom to all who will receive the invitation.